Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Intelligent Load Balancing For Enhancing Network Efficiency in SMBs

In SMBs and distributed enterprise organizations, the need for greater bandwidth and reliable access is very important. While dependable internet connectivity has become imperative, it is load balancing that helps in achieving a greater bandwidth.WAN intelligence eliminates downtime and improves bandwidth efficiency in SMBs and distributed enterprises that need a worry trouble-free network.

An intelligent and effective load balancing solution

The significant components of an effective load balancing solution has to include a virus resistant real time O.S. and efficient software modules that reacts to a failed Internet connection, provide WAN bonding using adaptive load balancing algorithms, and dynamically manage bandwidth tasks. Once configured, the WAN management activities of the intelligent load balancer should be transparent to the end user’s experience. The result is an Internet infrastructure investment that quickly pays for itself through improved customer relationships and the allocation of bandwidth to support prioritizing of internal data communications.

The need for load balancing in SMBs

A number of SMBs and distributed enterprises are adapting intelligent load balancers to their networks in order to improve business productivity and decrease the risk of Internet service disruptions. With an innovative WAN solution, any congestion encountered during peak demands are managed efficiently and a single point of failure for Internet service is eliminated. The real efficiency experienced when implementing intelligent load balancing. It comes from the ability to combine the right service link mix to meet the demands projected by the business continuity, especially for SMBs where cost is a cost concern. A business may find their peak demands requiring only the incremental addition of bandwidth instead of adding a second leased line.

As the difference in cost between adding a standard T3 and a 1.5Mbps ADSL line can be considerable in SMBs, with the intelligent load balancer, there can be further business harvest the benefits of bandwidth management to increase productivity. This is particularly when the multiple WAN connections are aggregated. By facilitating network administrators to set the priority and amount of bandwidth for different user groups and for specific applications including FTP, Instant Messaging, and http, this can be achieved.

An intelligent load balancer needs to be a part of the Internet infrastructure for businesses that rely on their web based services as a critical component.

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