Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Benefits of Link load Balancing Made Simple

Link Load Balancing looks at balancing out the critical resources on data networks with unpredictable requests issued to a server. It is also concerned with communications channels themselves to better distribute processing and communications demands more evenhandedly across the network so that no single a computer is beleaguered by the demand. The main purpose of link load balancing is to have a load-balancing failover between the two links at connection level. Some of the benefits of link load balancing include:

Increase in Reliability
Most networks and organizations prefer to implement link load balancing due to increased reliability. The failure of a network even for a few hours can cost an organization dearly in productivity and business. High uptime reliability can be achieved with link load balancing, and if a problem does occur and one of your providers does fail, switching from one provider to another is automated and immediate. In the event of a WAN link outage, link load balancing can redirect your network traffic to ensure continuous uptime for all parties that depends on your network and servers.

Cut down Costs
There are numerous reasons why an organization can cut down costs with link load balancing. The biggest advantage, however, is that link load balancing works with any type of broadband connection. All that is requited is a simple Ethernet handoff which establishes your WAN link. It is possible to keep non critical, economical broadband connections and more critical application on your more reliable connections, by being able to utilize various forms of inexpensive broadband connections.

Enhance Performance
By using link load balancers your organization can benefit with enhanced performance. The network can balance your incoming requests across your multiple WAN links, in most cases. This is can be achieved with an Active DNS module, that easily serves traffic between your broadband connections based on the best path available along with network metrics.

Manage Your Network’s Routing
Networking information routing can be easily managed with link load balancing. Most link load balancing solutions have software that offers advanced routing capabilities. Applications can be routed efficiently, when the organizations determine the critical and non critical applications. It is quite easy to split up your organizations network traffic by importance or application with link load balancing.

Link load balancing is the perfect technology for today’s organizations and can be implemented effectively with almost any network. It brings about an increase in reliability, a reduction in costs and added performance and management.

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Thursday, 13 October 2011

Application Delivery Controller – Utilities of New Age ADC’s

To define in elementary terms, an application delivery controller (ADC) is primarily a network equipment within the datacenter that assists in carrying out regular tasks performed by web portals themselves in an attempt to eradicate load away from the web servers. Many of them offer load balancing as well. They are generally situated between the web farm and the router/firewall. In most cases, the ADC is best described as a new age load balancer. They end up delivering greater advanced features, for instance advanced routing strategies, high end organized server health controlling, and content manipulation. Other features that you will find in application delivery controllers are follows:-

* Compression
* Cache
* Connection multiplexing
* Application layer security
* SSL offload
* Content switching combined with fundamental server load balancing

Numerous IT companies have now introduced innovative application development controller solutions and applications today that function in order to enhance the availability, security and performance of IP data services and applications. In addition to that, the server efficiency is maximized, thereby minimizing the expense and intricacy in the data center.

The ADC devices help to leverage energy-efficient components, hardware-quickening prototypes, 10-Gigabyte Ethernet connectivity and state-of-the-art multicore processing.

These next generation appliances provide scalability, industry-leading features, and economies of scale and price performance from small-scale concerns to huge global service providers. Others benefits are listed below:-

* Ability for application control, optimization, security and cloud level performance
* Comprehensible safety for compliance and legal policies
* Improvement to a level of 500 percent in application performance
* Extensible and agile software architecture that is well aligned with quick data center transformation
* Helps in “anywhere-to-anywhere” connectivity to produce the best in revenue-generation service creation and employee productivity
* A two- way integration with monitoring and management systems for optimizing the presentation of virtualized and conventional data center technology

The new age application development controllers are designed and structured to perform their best in modern data center environments. There are equipped with cutting-edge technologies and features that are significant for enterprise application delivery, delivery of upcoming IP data services, virtualization and cloud service delivery.

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Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Understanding the Concept of Network Virtualization

It is said that the next leap in data center virtualization is network virtualization. Networking is a key area that really needs to be virtualized, as there are numerous virtual machines that can move around the enterprise. With servers running at 90 percent capacity the network infrastructure needs to scale to give the same level of bandwidth and performance. Network virtualization is a promising approach to cover individual and dynamic resource provision that is intended to improve productivity, efficiency, and job satisfaction of the administrator. Although it aims to optimize network speed, reliability, flexibility, scalability, and security, network virtualization is said to be especially effective in networks that experience sudden, large, and unforeseen surges in usage. It provides a powerful way to run multiple networks, each customized to a specific purpose, at the same time over a shared substrate.
Network virtualization is classified as either external, combining many networks, or parts of networks, into a virtual unit, or internal, providing network-like functionality to the software containers on a single system. Regardless of whether it is internal or external, the benefits have many other advantages. With network virtualization, there is a conceptual layer that divides that physical network device from the business services on the network. Consequently there is an infrastructure that is a whole lot more flexible and efficient.

Bandwidth management is the underlying principle behind network virtualization. To enable bandwidth applications at affordable costs, most network managers use numerous WAN connections. By managing the bandwidth and optimizes network speed there is an overall reduction in the cost. With network virtualization business continuity can be achieved as virtualization isolates the network impact of multiple applications and minimizes downtime. This way, not only does automated provisioning diminish expensive configuration errors, applications also do not get in each other’s the way.

Generally a tedious and time-consuming business for a human administrator, network virtualization also undertakes network management. The true complexity of the network is concealed as in network virtualization the system performs these functions automatically. Network virtualization also facilitate companies to increase enterprise deftness, enhance network competence, reduce capital and operational costs and continue and maintain extraordinary levels of security, scalability, manageability and availability. Most of the functions can be centrally managed from a single physical site and this simplifies the tasks. Network virtualization is particularly effective and useful in those networks that frequently experience sudden, large and unpredicted surge in usage.

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